Spring has arrived in New England! For homeowners, that means it is time to dust off the rakes and roll up the sleeves. However much you may dread it, spring cleanup doesn’t need to be a tedious event. The professionals at Ace Hardware NH are there to help make your job easier. By providing tips and tricks necessary to get your lawn ready for the upcoming season, your job will be finished in no time.
Scotts Seeds and Soils
By offering a variety of products, Scotts eliminates the guesswork by providing exactly what your lawn needs. Whether you’re planting new grass or trying to control unwanted weeds and crabgrass, Scotts has the solution you need. With the use of their spreader, your lawn can be treated in very little time. Thus leaving you more time to enjoy the beautiful spring days!
Once your yard is up to par, it may be time to focus on the garden. A favorite pastime for many, New England gardens can be tricky with the extreme climate changes. Burpee offers a variety of vegetables and flowers ideal for zone 5. Whether you enjoy starting your crop from seeds or prefer an established plant, Burpee has your needs covered.
Old soil? No problem! Miracle-Gro Refresh Soil Revitazlier™ brings old soil back to life. Saving you time and the cost of soil replacement, this product replenishes the soil with essential nutrients that are lost over the seasons. Furthermore, Miracle-Gro offers a variety of other products to help organically boost your growing results.
Now that your grass is lush and green, and flowers are blooming, it’s time to sit back and enjoy all of your hard work. As you sit on your patio, you hear the many birds that have returned to the area for the warmer months. If you are a lover of wildlife, Kaytee offers multiple products to encourage your winged friends to stop by. Choosing the right blend of seed, suet, and feeders is essential to attracting your favorite birds.
When you’re ready to tackle your yard, stop by Ace Hardware NH. The trained professionals are there to help you choose the right product for your desired results. Dedicated to providing you knowledge and expertise, you are guaranteed to leave feeling great about the upcoming season! Contact them today at (603) 668-5533.